Friday, July 23, 2010


My postings have been fewer in the past months because I have taken a new position as the director for one of my nonprofit client's organizations and will be moving out of the area where I have lived for the past several decades within just a few weeks. Once my hectic life settles down again, I will become more consistent with this blog and with the other promotional efforts to get my Eye Can Too! Read e-books for homeschoolers and other people into the hands of the people who will use and benefit from them.

Meanwhile, yesterday I started writing the article I promised to do for the August edition of the Pediacare newsletter. The objective is to describe for providers of occupational, physical, and speech/language therapies etc. what vision therapy is, how it can benefit their patients, and how to find vision therapy providers to send referrals. I'm thinking that the best approach will be to give quick case studies of a cross-section of my typical patients. Hopefully this will be a great resource.

On October 9, 2010, the Eye Can Too! Read e-books will be available at the Colonial History Day for Homeschoolers at the Bolduc House Museum in Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, along with products from other venders and service providers who work with homeschooled students. More information about this event can be found at